Friday, July 23, 2010

Unexciting Week

Not much out of the ordinary has happened since the previous post.  We hiked a section of the Arizona Trail last Sunday.  I expected nothing more than a hot trek along a dusty path with no view or interesting waypoints.  It was hot and dusty but it did hold some surprises--new wildflowers, Billy's tank and an excavation site rife with fossils.  Just goes to prove, there is no 'bad' location on the Plateau.

On Monday, we went 'Kanab-ing' (i.e., drove 75 miles to Kanab for the usual routine of laundry, groceries and gas).  In addition to our chores, we spent a few hours exploring the town's history by visiting an historic house and the local museum.  The house, a charmingly ornate Victorian, was built in 1894 by a Mormon for one of his six wives; only she and eight or ten of his 44 children lived there.  The museum was like Granny's attic on steroids--everything any resident ever saved:  clothing, sheet music, band uniforms and instruments, toys, yearbooks, tea services, cooking utensils, farm implements, civic and family documents, Native American artifacts, etc. ad infinitum.

The monsoon season seems to have finally started.  Thunderstorms are possible, if not likely, after 11:00 AM.  So far there have been episodes of thunder and lightning but only minimal rainfall.  Right now, a large dark cloud hangs above the DeMott Meadow, our location, in the midst of a bright blue sky dotted with fluffly white clouds.

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