Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday. May 24, 2010

Anyone curious about why there are so many posts?  Because it's too darn windy or cold or windy and cold to be outside.  This morning we woke to snow on the ground--not a lot, but this is the third week of May for heaven's sake!  I'm wearing two long-sleeve shirts, a winter jacket and a wool cap while sitting in the RV with the space heater running. 

The temperature had risen and the wind had died down by 10:00 when Randy and MJ picked us up to go into the park. We did a quick walk-through of the gift shop and lodge before going out on Bright Angel Point and the overlook behind the lodge.  Our next destination was Cape Royal where we lunched on a bench with a dead-on view of Angel's Window.   We explored all the 'fingers' of the cape, took lots of pictures and learned about the flora and fauna of a Sonoran desert environment.  On the return trip, we stopped at Walhalla and visited the ruins of an Anasazi seasonal farming community. 

MJ and Randy departed for Zion National Park then Bryce NP after leaving the North Rim on Tuesday morning.  We enjoyed the time we spent with them and appreciated their making the trip 'up the mountain' to see us.

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